our thoughts on biology, global warming, the brain, and more
by Kirstyn Limsico
People in Southern California have likely heard about bioluminescence, which is best seen during the summer months of the year along the coast. Bioluminescence is defined as the emission of light by a living organism. Thousands of species produce this light, from algae, worms, and sea stars, to fireflies, beetles, and even spiders. Although this phenomenon is most commonly seen in marine species, it is extremely diverse in its occurrence. So how does this work? Bioluminescence is produced by the energy release in chemical reactions involving the substrate luciferin, and the enzyme luciferase. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2024). When the luciferin molecule reacts with oxygen, this creates a byproduct called oxyluciferin, which produces a glowing sensation. The enzyme luciferase has the ability to lower the activation energy and speed up this chemical reaction (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Bioluminescence is typically seen as blue-green in the ocean because these wavelengths travel best through the water, but it can also be seen in various colors including red, yellow, and violet. Marine species control when they light up based on the movement of oxygen into the cells containing luciferin and luciferase. They regulate their chemistry and brain processes depending on their specific needs including communication, detecting prey, or attracting mates. Bioluminescence benefits many living organisms and has evolved more than 27 times among fish lineages. Different creatures use this light to their advantage in a multitude of ways. Some use this light as a defense adaptation to startle or misdirect a predator. For example, the vampire squid ejects a sticky bioluminescent mucus which can confuse predators and allow the squid time to escape (National Geographic, 2019). Other organisms use bioluminescence as an offensive adaptation to search for prey. Anglerfish have a fleshy, long filament on the top of their heads that can light up. Its prey then becomes curious about the spot of light and is lured toward its predator. Many of these creatures use bioluminescence as a way to attract and reproduce. For instance, male fireflies can communicate their interest in mating by producing bioluminescent flash patterns. In Southern California, people can view this glowing sensation through the bioluminescent waves in the spring to early fall seasons. This specific glow is produced by a species of phytoplankton called dinoflagellates, which are microscopic organisms that live in watery environments (NASA Earth Observatory). Phytoplankton growth depends on the amount of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and nutrients as they are primary producers and the foundation of the aquatic food web (PLOS One, 2016). On the shore, bioluminescent phytoplankton will glow when disturbed by a wave breaking or a splash of water at night. Bioluminescence can be seen around the world, including certain places in Australia, Vietnam, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. On the coast of San Diego, bioluminescence happens during the Red Tide, a period when dinoflagellates are in bloom, and use this light as a defense mechanism. This event is known as the Red Tide because these microorganisms come to the surface of the water for sunlight, and cause the waves to look reddish brown in coloration during the daytime (California Sea Grant, 2018). Bioluminescence is used by organisms to communicate and adapt to the changing environment in which they live. This glowing sensation continues to be studied and will remain one of the great wonders of nature. Sources: Davis, M. P., Sparks, J. S., & Smith, W. L. (2016). Repeated and widespread evolution of bioluminescence in marine fishes. PloS One,11(6), e0155154. Langley, L. (2019, May 2). How bioluminescence works in nature. Animals. NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). What are Phytoplankton Red Tides in California. (n.d.). California Sea Grant.,summer%20(August%2C%20September).
by Saranya Anandakumar
Private interest vs. public good. According to the “tragedy of the commons”, when individuals prioritize their self-interest and fail to use public resources sustainably these shared resources are pushed past their sustainable yield and depleted. Like a bucket in the rain, over time each droplet grows in size, with individuals taking more from publicly owned resources. In time, this leads to the bucket spilling over, and the resource is depleted: of no use to anyone. In theory, such an explanation checks out, but in reality, the “tragedy of the commons” is quite uncommon if local communities are left to manage public resources. Analyst Elinor Ostrom found that in Nepal’s mountain regions over decades residents learned to distribute wood without exceeding carrying capacity. But when faced with the threat of deforestation resource management transferred to the local government. By imposing “individual-centered” regulations, the existing community-centered structure of resource management dissipated. In its place: competition favoring the exploitation of public ownership for individual gain. Oftentimes, government-implemented rules are poorly thought out or enforced leading to decreased sustainability. In Nepal, the practice of requiring permits to legally obtain wood was poorly enforced, leading many to illegally use timber in mass quantities. The system itself was easily circumvented, and the few following the rules lost out by doing so. What Nepal did enforce was the seizure of private land that was left unused for two or more years. Thus, property owners who responsibly let their land rest, to prevent depletion of nutrients, often lost their plots. Once more, those prioritizing sustainability lose in the competitive “individual-centered” environment created by government regulation. Thus, deforestation began accelerating in Nepal. Though in theory communities have the ability to petition and lobby for changes in a flawed system, the bureaucracy of the government coupled with the difficulty of communicating information across a nation of remote regions, makes any community-driven changes unlikely. Thus in reality, post government forestry regulation, deforestation accelerated in Nepal. Since Nepal villages could do it, the question then becomes, “Is overcoming the ‘tragedy of the commons’ feasible on a national or global scale?” The first problem comes in that, even on a much smaller scale, humans have no problem betraying one another for self-interested rationales. Take an auction of a precious work of art. The bidding starts at a reasonable price for the estimated value of the painting, but ten, or twenty bids in, the proposed cost is exorbitantly inflated. Still, bidders remain staunch in their resolve, despite knowing that the winner, whether it be themselves or someone else is being wholly overcharged. “Auctions incentivize truthfulness by forcing bidders to put money on their claims.” (Binmore, 2007). As per game theory, the selfish desire to win trumps any logical reservations about the unfair price tag or collective upset. Thus, the “tragedy of the commons” can only be overcome without regulation if, like in early Nepal, individuals have some sort of tie or connection to one another, like a real community. In essence, I believe that individuals can work together as a group, but a foundational bond is necessary to do so, and the larger a group becomes the harder this is to accomplish. Thus, I think that in the politically radicalized nationally-divided state of the world today, such a community is far from coming to fruition. Thus, internally-motivated action is infeasible unless it is done to solve small local issues like overfishing in a small town bay, not overfishing in the entire nation of China. Though government regulation has its flaws, as I described in the Nepal example, in a capitalist society of monetary motivation there is no other real way. Take the issue of the mass emission of greenhouse gasses, aerosols, and CFCs into the atmosphere. The only thing that can stop corporations from cost-efficient yet environmentally destructive ways is to make those methods, namely fossil fuel burning, no longer cost-effective. The prevailing options are large government-issued fines or consumer action. Though the latter is in essence impracticable. In one IBM study of 16,000 participants, “Roughly 1 in 3 consumers say sustainable travel is a priority, ranking environmental impact factors over cost, convenience, and comfort in their purchase decisions” (Cheung, 2022). Still, 29% of U.S. Greenhouse Gas emissions are from transportation. Even if ⅓ of consumers reduce their emissions, they are far from erasing them as even the process of generating electricity for electric cars may involve the burning of fossil fuels like coal or natural gas (Electric Vehicle Myths | US EPA, 2023). And joint consumer action is limited in its effective decrease of emissions. Ultimately the problem with both government and consumer regulation of corporations, as Ostrom describes, is that neither understands the intricacies and needs of the corporations. However, in Gujarat, India the implementation of a voluntary cap-and-trade Surat Clean Air market by the government challenges this notion. In the market, the Gujarat government set an emissions “cap” and auctioned off permits allowing different tons of emissions under said cap. From there plants were allowed to “trade” these permits amongst themselves. The incentive to profit off of these trades led many plants to cut their emissions. The results thus far have shown industries using the market have decreased emissions by about 20% while operating costs and efficiency remain about the same. (Using Markets to Confront Pollution and Climate Change in India | EPIC, 2022). A more flexible system, wherein self-interest and monetary gain are used as a motive toward sustainability, seems to be the most realistic solution in a capitalist society where both are valued. Thus, government regulation may be a viable option for global sustainability. References Binmore, K. (2007). Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Electric Vehicle myths | US EPA. (2023, June 15). US EPA.,Myth%20%231%3A%20Electric%20vehicles%20are%20worse%20for%20the%20climate%20than,EVs)%20have%20no%20tailpipe%20emissions. Jeung, C. (2022). 2022 sustainability consumer research: Sustainability and profitability. (n.d.). IBM. Using Markets to Confront Pollution and Climate Change in India | EPIC. (2022, June 7). by Jenna Shin
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has begun to settle down in contrast to its very first beginnings, the virus remains to play a significant role in our lives. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, loss of taste/smell, muscle aches, and more. However, these can range within a large scale, as some individuals with the virus experience the symptoms on a more severe scale while others less. Those who already suffer from underlying illnesses are more vulnerable to not only contracting the virus, but also experiencing a higher level of the symptoms mentioned above. Why is this? Scientists have studied the reason why certain individuals experience more discomfort and side effects compared to others. They have discovered that the cause is related to genetics, and mutations in certain genes. For example, the TYK2 gene is responsible for contracting certain viruses from bacteria and fungi. Scientists then identified that those with a mutation in this gene can be subject to higher risk of being infected with COVID-19, along with other variants and strains of the virus. Additionally, the DPP9 gene has been found to have certain variants that cause more critical side effects after infection, or more severe conditions while the virus is present in the body. Not only do genetic mutations and variations play a role in the severeness of COVID-19 in affected individuals, but vaccinations have been proven to fight against the virus. Many who were diagnosed with COVID-19 experienced post-COVID conditions including loss of smell or taste, dizziness after standing up, and muscle pain. However, people who received the COVID-19 vaccine along with the booster shots experienced less severe symptoms during their infection and afterwards as well. This is due to the antibodies the vaccine develops which helps prevent critical conditions after being infected with the virus. The vaccine allows patients to fight against the virus without experiencing any discomfort or potential harm to the body. Lastly, those with underlying health conditions or those who are over the age of 65 are at higher risk of contracting the virus, due to their weakened immune system. “In 2020, this age group accounted for 81% of US COVID-19 related deaths,” according to the CDC. Patients who are already placed at a higher risk have been recommended to receive the vaccine and take extra precautions in order to avoid getting COVID-19. As we have seen for the past two years, masks have also played a significant role in preventing the virus, but with many obstacles coming from citizens who refused to follow the mask mandates. In conclusion, not only do we have to be cautious of our surrounding for our own health, but we must also take responsibility to prevent others from getting sick. We never know who may be at higher risk of getting COVID-19, and we cannot tell who might have genetic variations that cause them to experience more critical conditions. For the sympathy of our families and others, it is important to stay safe and continue to help prevent the possibility of another outbreak. Sources: by Anna Nguyen
“Norman Borlaug is the man who saved the most lives in the history of humanity”(Josette Sheeran, ). A humble man who spent hours breeding grain varieties, he single-handedly made his name known in the Green Revolution. In the 1960s and 1980s, environmentalism became a popular movement and became concerned over overpopulation. In “The Population Bomb”, Paul Ehlich suggests a bleak prediction where due to past population booms, population growth may increase exponentially and, therefore, deplete resources. He warns that overpopulation not only leads to famines and disease, but also environmental crises plaguing the world. As of today, food production has boosted significantly since 1960. So, theories of overpopulation causing all sorts of issues such as mass starvation were not exactly true, as crop yields increase from agricultural innovations. The Green Revolution, a period of implementing agricultural innovations such as plant breeding across the world, was a key factor to increasing food production and to provide better food. It led to developing countries to receive proper nourishment. Borlaug, an agricultural scientist, played a crucial role in the Green Revolution, so much so, that he was considered the father of the Green Revolution. Since he was an influential person in the 20th century, he won the Nobel Prize for his efforts. He conducted his studies using wheat varies in Mexico He bred wheat and selected traits so that it can handle various types of climates, fertilizers, become disease resistant, and produce more grain through his methods, which was more efficient than what was done traditionally. One of his innovations was shuttle breeding. He cut time on the breeding process by taking advantage of the two growing seasons in Mexico and planted the wheat at different times. He would let the summer crop grow up to harvest its seeds and then plant them at the other area in winter, and vice versa. Before, people would usually plant wheat and then wait to see which ones survived. It was thought that seeds needed to sleep after being harvested, so then stored energy can be used for germination. The theory has been disproved after Borlaug came up with shuttle breeding. Thanks to shuttle breeding, he was able to cross breed lots of wheat varieties in half the amount of time compared to the traditional method. He would cross breed the wheat with disease-resistant genes with similar phenotypes to ensure yield did not drop, and he would further develop a cross breeding method to produce various disease-resistant genes, so wheat would not have succumbed to diseases like rust. With the previous methods, he also made the wheat insensitive to the length of day or night. Plants have a biological clock to tell how long or short the day has been to plan when to flower, so they end up flowering on different times. With disease-resistant wheat that can be bred quickly and can tolerate in various conditions, the problem with fertilizer occurred when the stalks of the tall wheat fall from the weight of grain. The heavy grain got its nutrients from the fertilizer, so the stalk cannot support the weight of the grain. Borlaug came up with a solution, and so he crossed a shorter variety of semi-dwarf wheat. As a result, it doubled the yields with shorter stalks and fat grain. Though having taller wheat looks cool, less energy was needed to grow shorter stalks. Usually, wheat grew tall because those varieties can get more sunlight than the shorter ones, so it was a competition for limited resources in nature. With all these major accomplishments in agricultural science, Borlaug must have fed millions of people around the world. Though, it would be difficult to quantify how many people he saved because it is difficult to keep track of who eats good food. Overall, his remarkable discoveries lessened mass starvation and poverty, and crop productivity marginally improved worldwide. To this day, Borlaug’s discoveries still matter as it has improved the lives of many people on average. References by Charlie Snow
The ocean is a very scary place. Maybe I’m biased, I do have a running streak with having to be pulled in by the lifeguard and stepping on stingrays, but in my opinion it is much too big and has way too many very deadly things in it to be anything other than terrifying (not to mention you can’t even breath down there). First off, everything about the ocean as a whole is too large. Each of the seven main oceans (Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern oceans) combines to cover about 70% of the earth's surface, about 137,942,881 square miles. Aside from surface area, the ocean also holds the deepest point in the earth, the Mariana trench. This trench, which spans a whopping 1,554 miles, is nearly seven miles deep - that means if you dropped Mount Everest in the Mariana trench, the highest point of the mountain would still be about a mile and a half below the entrance of the trench. The amount of pressure at the bottom (16,000 per square inch) is about 1,088 times more than what the average human lives in. And despite all these facts I’ve listed about the ocean so far, scientists have estimated that as much as 80% of it still remains unexplored, meaning there are thousands of possibilities for other terrifying things to be discovered. The second terrifying thing about oceans is waves and currents. Let’s not forget that oceans create tsunamis, one of the deadliest natural disasters. Usually created by tectonic plate shifts at the bottom of the ocean or from severe earthquakes, from 1998 to 2017 these enormous waves killed approximately 250,000 people. Traveling at speeds of up to 500 miles per hour and crossing thousands of miles of open ocean before wreaking havoc on the coasts, though they may not be as common as tornadoes or forest fires, tsunamis are nothing to mess with. The tallest tsunami ever, the 1958 Lituya Bay Tsunami, was approximately 1,720 feet tall, and the tallest open water was nearly 62 feet tall, which is about ten times as tall as the average man. As for currents, over 100 people in the U.S. die each year getting pulled into the ocean by a rip current to never come back. Have fun sleeping at night knowing that every six hours, a whirlpool spanning as wide as 33 feet and as deep as sixteen feet appears because of a current. Every day, eleven people drown in the ocean. I repeat, the ocean is a very scary place. Finally, there are the creatures in the ocean. The blue whale is by far the largest animal on the planet and though the vast majority of whales are human friendly, killer whales are sick and twisted enough to make up for the otherwise peaceful group of species. Known to torture and play with their food before killing it and to just kill animals for fun, killer whales have often been compared to house cats for their cruelty to their prey. Another aquatic mammal that should be a lot more feared than it is is the dolphin. Feel good movies like Dolphin Tale neglect to tell the other side of the story, that dolphins will rape almost any other sea life they can get their flippers on, kill each other’s babies, and in packs that sometimes reach up to 1,000, they will, in killer whale fashion, kill other ocean life for sport, including attacking humans. Not to mention they are incredibly intelligent creatures, smart enough to be used by the U.S. Navy. In case you aren’t scared yet, dolphins have also been recorded passing around pufferfish that secrete a toxic chemical that in small doses can have a narcotic effect. That’s right, dolphins do drugs, kill for sport, torture their prey, hunt in packs of up to 1,000, rape each other and anything else they like, and kill their babies. If you thought I was going to go on a shark rant, you’re wrong. Dolphins and whales, that’s what you have to watch out for. Of course, sharks are dangerous but only 4 people die each year from shark attacks and also ,sharks haven’t yet been recordeddoing the equivalent of drugs. Though there are over 1,200 venomous fish species in the ocean (that we know of) my real point here is stay away from dolphins and killer whales. Now maybe any number of the things I just listed fascinates you. Maybe you are one of those brave souls willing to explore that unexplored 80% of the ocean or start Tsunami Chasers, the sequel to Storm Chasers, or research a creature as mentally depraved as dolphins or killer whales. I can’t say I would understand your decision to do so but if you must charge headfirst into the most terrifying place on earth, please be careful. And if you don’t like the ocean, if you, like me, have bad luck with life guards and stingrays, then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your very rational fear. None of this, however, means you get to start leaving trash on the beach or trying to harm the ocean in any way. Someone smart once said we’re most afraid of the things we don’t understand and we don’t understand 80% of the ocean. Also we don’t want to anger the dolphins, they might come after us. Tsunamis - WHO | World Health Organization › Health topics The tallest tsunami wave ever wasn't the deadliest › news › tallest-tsunami… The World's Largest Whirlpools - WorldAtlas › World Facts by Jenna Shin
For Ukraine, war with Russia is not the only boiling conflict at the hands of political officials and its citizens. In the midst of a battling crisis, Ukraine has been reporting increased industrial pollution produced by the various iron and steel plants located in major cities. One of the reported areas is known as Maripaul, where residents have reported immense amounts of smoke and ash from these factory productions. These iron and steel plants utilize and function off machinery that produces mass amounts of smoke and ash into the air; where citizens of these towns are forced to live with life-threatening air quality. One citizen even reported that she was unable to have children recently, due to various thyroid problems that were caused by the mass production of harmful metals she breathed in. In 2018, studies taken from samples of the smoke revealed that metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury were present. Metal toxicity is one of the most harmful pollutants that is prevalent in our environment today. These pollutants, when seeped into bodies of water or soil, can lead to extreme health concerns and illnesses. Risks include kidney damage, lung damage, brain damage, weakened breathing, anemia, an increased risk in cancer, and possibly even miscarriages; as experienced by a Ukranian citizen. Metal toxicity can be easy to spread to humans, especially for those who drink or interact from lead-lined pipes or work in factories as mentioned earlier in the article. Additionally, these pollutants can also be found in our food, in things like fish that some people eat almost everyday. Although the risks of being affected by heavy metal toxicity and pollution depends on background and history, it is fair enough to conclude that individuals living near heavy production factories like those in Ukraine should be considered high-risk. Unfortunately, Ukraine officials have failed to stay persistent in their efforts to reduce factory-emissions of pollutants and toxic metals. However, Ukraine citizens and residents have begun to put in place citizen-installed particulate matter (PM) monitoring stations, a local method of attempting to reduce emissions. Although this is a step forward in the process of saving Ukraine from pollution and toxicity, it is clear that a government or official mandated monitor of factory emissions would tackle the issue more efficiently. Sources: “Heavy Metal Poisoning (Heavy Metal Toxicity): Symptoms, Causes & Treatment.” Cleveland Clinic, 7 July 2022, Accessed 29 November 2022. “Inside a Ukrainian war zone, another fight rages—for clean air.” National Geographic, 29 November 2021, Accessed 29 November 2022. “Ukraine's dangerous air pollution problem in desperate need of solutions.” Bankwatch, 19 October 2020, Accessed 29 November 2022. by Charlie Snow
I know reality TV can be a little annoying, however, Deadliest Catch is one reality TV show I will not let fall into this category. Documenting the lives of crab fishermen from season to season, there’s a lot to keep track of when watching: who’s inheriting the boat, friendships, fights, deaths, arrests. The most important part of Deadliest Catch, the thing that keeps the show going, however, is crab. So welcome to a biological explanation of all the crabs of Deadliest Catch. “All the crabs” really just refers to two types of crab, King crab and Opilio crab. During October, the boats race to collect their quotas of king crab and in January, they do the same for opilio crab, with seasons lasting from as little as four days to up to four weeks. Each crab season is filled with drama, disaster, and death, and yet little is known about either species. King crab is arguably the most well known crab species. With a leg span of up to five feet and spiky shells reaching up to 11 inches, these crabs are some of the largest in the ocean. Typically, these creatures reside in waters only 28-55 degrees Fahrenheit and can be found, “in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska, and south to British Columbia, Canada,” according to the National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA). These crabs can range from brown to a cold bluish red in color and have two distinctly different sized claws, a larger one for catching prey and a smaller one for more delicate handling of the food. Each female crab can up to 500,000 eggs at a time and once they have grown to be a decent size (which they do through shedding their old skin and growing a new one) King crab don’t really have that many predators unless they’ve just molted. These crabs average out to be around 6-8 pounds but have been known to reach almost 20 pounds and a pound of king crab can cost as little as $33, making them one of the most affordable crabs on the market. Last year, the total Alaskan king crab catch totalled at about 6 million pounds, worth of $73 million dollars. Another interesting fact about these crab is that only male king crab are allowed to be harvested, and there are over 120 differest species that fall under the umbrella term of ‘king crab’. Only three species, however, are commercially fished Opelio crabs, though less well knows, are also important for bringing in the money. Also known as snow crabs, these creatures have four pairs of walking legs as opposed to the king crab (which only has three). Their shells are much rounder and have less spikes than king crabs and their coloring ranges from brownish on top to a pale yellow on their bellies. Opelio live at shallower depths than king crab and can be found, “off the coast of Alaska in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas.” With only a 6 inch shell diameter, these crabs are much smaller than king crab, however, once snow crab have reached maturity, they undergo a terminal molt, meaning they never molt again after that, as opposed to the king crab’s regular molting. Opelio crab are known to live about 20 years and are preyed on by a wide variety of creatures such as, “seals, sea otters, octopi, other crabs, and a wide variety of fish.” Opelio crab is usually sold in clusters that go for 20$-28$ per pound. Like king crab, only male opelios may be harvested, and in 2020 almost 37 million pounds of opelio were harvested, totaling at over $101 million. So no matter what tricks are pulled, what ships struggle, who betrays who in the desperate search for crab, let’s remember the reason all of it happens. As many of the crewmen and captains say on Deadliest Catch, “Crab in king.” by Jenna Shin In April 2022, NASA scientist Peter Kalmus chained himself to the doors of a Chase Bank in Los Angeles, California. Kalmus and others alongside him spoke to an audience outside the building to warn others about the dangers of global warming and the risk of the planet being destroyed. In his speech, Kalmus revealed that scientists had been ignored for ages now, and it was time for all to raise awareness on the issue. Although this has been a widely-known topic amongst individuals all across the globe, it seems as though every other day spent ignoring these warnings leads to an even larger risk. So what causes global warming? Is there really a way to stop it just by limiting our water usage?
Global warming is majorly caused by carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere, which then causes our Earth to heat up. This is crucial information, because without an alteration to human impact on the planet, the world could potentially experience serious droughts, wildfires, and other natural disasters that would cause interruptions in our daily lives. So what can we do? Many scientists have spoken up about reducing fossil fuel usage, and working with other major countries to switch to clean energy sources. Some more accessible methods would be to limit our carbon emissions by carpooling, using public transport, or walking to nearby locations if possible. The overall truth is that every small effort counts. At a time where our planet is at risk of global warming’s attacks, we must try to at least care or keep these solutions in mind. Works Cited MacMillan, Amanda, and Jeff Turrentine. “Global Warming 101 - Definition, Facts, Causes and Effects of Global Warming.” NRDC, 7 April 2021, Accessed 13 June 2022. McFall, Morgan. “NASA Scientist Arrested at Chase Bank Amid Global Climate Protests.” Business Insider, 6 April 2022, Accessed 13 June 2022. by Jenna Shin
When you’re at work, driving, studying, with friends, or even getting ready for a good night’s rest, you may find yourself playing a few of your favorite tunes on the speaker. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals fought difficult times with isolation and a change in their everyday routines. Through this period of isolation, music has become a significant aspect in healing those who were suffering from stress and concern. We may often find ourselves turning on songs and feeling just a little better than before. But what really happens to our brains when we hear music? It is important to understand the process in which our brains absorb music and how it changes our emotions. Psychiatry colleague Samantha Sharma, MD, states that the process begins when “sound waves [enter] the ear, striking the eardrum, and [cause] vibrations that are converted into electric signals. These signals travel by sensory nerves to the brainstem, the brain’s message relay station for auditory information. Then they disperse to activate auditory (hearing) cortices and many other parts of the brain” ( As these signals are activated, the brain is activated based on the type of song it absorbs and can correlate certain songs with events in their lifetime. For example, one may remember a song that their mother always used to sing when they were a child, and feel at ease when it plays. These correlations cause us to feel sensations and relive memories due to the association of the music and the mind. In addition to relating music with events in our life, research has shown that music can assist mental health struggles in various aspects and features. It can be difficult expressing our inner thoughts and emotions, especially when those around us do not expect it. Molly Warren, MM, states that musical lyrics allowed an individual to express their emotions and experiences in a more therapeutic method rather than opening up to others directly. This option allows those battling mental health obstacles to feel less of a burden while opening up about their thoughts and hardships. Another example of the bond between music and mental illness is evident in those with Alzheimer’s disease, as they are easily able to recognize songs like the alphabet. This is possible because familiar songs like these are engraved into our memory since childhood, meaning it is difficult for one to forget them even with mental struggles. It’s fascinating to learn about the functions of our brains and how simple melodies can change our mood so fast. So the next time you find yourself stressed in a hectic schedule, remind yourself to turn on your favorite playlist and relax for a moment. Sources: by Sheena Bautista
The viral album, Everywhere at the End of Time, gained notability for its six-hour run time and auditory representation of dementia’s stages. Its creator, called “The Caretaker,” used samples from songs created in the Jazz Age, which was the period of time that current dementia patients grew up in. As each stage progressed, the samples of the songs would deteriorate until the final stage, where the music could no longer be recognized as a melody. The album succinctly encapsulates the ignorance, confusion, and eventual anosognosia that accompanies the loss of memories and the sense of self. Currently, the emotional impact of this album still weighs heavily upon the internet. Critics continue to praise The Caretaker for his immersive project that brought awareness to the tragedies of dementia. Thus, I wondered if music was ever used in the treatment of dementia rather than merely depicting it. Today, music is used as a tool for learning in school and is especially helpful with memorization. If these auditory tools are engaging and entertaining for school aged kids, then there is a chance that dementia patients could share similar benefits. When used in conjunction with visual and kinesthetic activities, auditory learning has lots of potential deeper memory retention and learning. One of the key aspects of dementia is the deterioration of key memories over the course of the disease’s progress. This, unfortunately, cannot be reversed as there is no cure for dementia. However, there is a plethora of treatments that patients with dementia undergo. None of them are perfect, but they are effective in ensuring that these patients remain safe and secure. Some treatments have been proven to trigger memories within dementia patients, even if they last temporarily. Although there is no cure or verified prevention system for the onset of dementia, it captivates me that there are so many ways that dementia symptoms are managed. When I discovered that music therapy was used to help patients in care homes, I was excited to see a connection between Everywhere at the End of Time and the reality of care homes. In 2013, researchers in the United Kingdom developed a study in which they tested the feasibility of a weekly music therapy program. A few significant goals included reducing the agitation of dementia patients and improving both verbal and nonverbal communication between each caregiver and the patient. Dementia patients and caretakers were gathered from two different care homes and randomized into either the experimental or the control group. In total, seventeen care home patients and ten care staff made up the participants of this program. Although the patients and caretakers were randomized, 94% of the patients were female. However, the female gender is more prone to developing dementia as opposed to males. The trial was set to run for five months, but an additional two months was added to assess post-therapy symptoms and interactions. Throughout the researchers’ study, both qualitative and quantitative data was recorded, as well as personal feedback from each willing participant. Before they carried out the study’s processes, the researchers hypothesized that if dementia patients underwent music therapy, then their caretakers could manage their severe symptoms more effectively. The music program itself was one-to-one and occurred once on a weekly basis. Each dementia patient continued their medications and received standard care in conjunction with the music therapy. All sessions lasted for thirty minutes and were recorded for additional video analysis. Before the sessions would begin, the researchers would attach heart monitors and Q-sensors to the dementia patients. Some patients were not comfortable with having these devices attached to them, but the majority were tolerant (Hsu et al., 2015). In these sessions, the music therapists were looking for both auditory and visual cues from each patient they were working with. All patients had the opportunity to sing along with familiar melodies, such as nursery rhymes. They were also given instruments to freely improvise with or explore the sounds of. At the end of the music-making sessions, the patients were interviewed through basic psychotherapy techniques to gauge communication levels and acceptability. This interview, although structured simply to make it easy for the patient to reply, assesses twelve areas of neuropsychiatric functioning. Each of the twelve areas were on a scaled spectrum. The measures included functions like delusions, hallucinations, vexation, depression, anxiety, euphoria, apathy, impulsivity, irritability, abnormal motor behavior, night-time behavior and poor appetite (Hsu et al., 2015). In total, residents were offered 22 weeks of music therapy and most of them were attended, with an average of 5 sessions being missed. Only the data from those who completed the program were taken into account for the music therapy research. A case study of an 89 year old female patient, referred to as “B,” was detailed within the article. Her behavior improved immensely from the music therapy, despite being in the later stages of dementia. This patient experienced symptoms such as hallucinations, high levels of agitation, and paranoia; thus, she posed a challenge to the caretakers whenever she was in an irritable mood. When the caretakers brought the patient to the music therapy session, her attitude was belligerent and hostile, as she refused to let them monitor her skin and heart. At times, verbal cues used by the patient’s music therapist exacerbated her mood. Despite this, playing the piano engaged the patient’s attention in a positive, peaceful way. To elaborate on this further, this music therapy session even helped Patient B to recall an old memory. As documented by the researchers, “The therapist reinforced B’s positive verbal expression by humming the tune again whilst moving her body and shoulders and smiling at B. At this time, no sign of agitation could be observed... Towards the end of the session, B appeared good spirited whilst recalling other children coming by her window calling out B’s name and asking her to play them a tune” (Hsu et al., 2015, pp. 10-11). Essentially, Patient B’s memories were stimulated positively through auditory associations and cues. The memories she made as a young girl resurfaced as a result of the piano-playing in the music therapy session. To produce such results in a patient with severe dementia is an incredible feat; even more so, considering that Patient B’s memory was from her childhood. Overall, the music therapy for all participating patients was beneficial and improved their agitation levels alongside their communication skills. In addition to this, each therapist and staff member regarded the project’s result with high remarks, claiming that they would recommend music therapy for dementia intervention (Hsu et al., 2015). Statistically, there were improvements in the symptoms of the dementia patients. Compared to the control group, who did not receive music therapy, their disruptiveness and wellbeing levels decreased over the sessions. The differences between the control and experimental groups are not astronomical, but are present nonetheless. According to some caretakers, the effects of the music therapy went beyond milder temperaments and improved motor behaviors. For some dementia patients, they became more emotionally expressive and communicated their feelings more clearly to their caretakers. Some patients communicated their memories and made connections between the music to their lives before dementia. Therefore, the results of the study support the hypothesis forming the backbone of this research. As demonstrated, music therapy positively affects dementia patients’ problematic symptoms and is a viable method for facilitating stable behaviors. It is significant to note that the experienced caretakers indicated that they gained a more thorough idea of what their patients were like as people. They were able to carry out their work on a more sensitive and personal level because music therapy elevated their relationships. Because the caretakers were more attuned to the needs and personalities of their patients, their work in soothing severe symptoms became easier (Hsu et al., 2015). This not only made their work more appealing, but more rewarding and impactful. I found it surprising that such an implementation was so effective in increasing empathy on both sides of the study. Considering how numerous care homes have been accused of neglect, it is comforting to know that these efforts are supportive of these senior citizens. It is very interesting to me how this study utilized technology and psychological techniques to create a fun environment, especially one that is adapted to elders. In the future, more people will be admitted into care homes and there will be a rise in demand for caretakers. The precedent that this study set will influence the future of psychology and neurology; upcoming treatments may become far more enjoyable than they are in the present. Moreover, the field of psychology can take a step further into pursuing different approaches to dementia. As of now, the possibility of eliminating or reversing dementia is unclear. Despite this, efforts such as music therapy show that there are ways to emotionally support dementia patients. Endeavors such as this bring significant awareness to dementia, and inspires others to see this as a relevant issue. To close on a final note, pursuing treatments that facilitate memory associations, emotional stability, and innovation will benefit dementia patients― even as their place in the world fades away. References: Hsu, M. H., Flowerdew, R., Parker, M., Fachner, J., & Odell-Miller, H. (2015). Individual music therapy for managing neuropsychiatric symptoms for people with dementia and their carers: A cluster randomised controlled feasibility study. BMC Geriatrics, 15(1). by Charlie Snow
The Basics of Brains Still one of the least understood organs in the human body, brains have long confused neuroscientists who long to discover the inner workings of the mind in general and in relation to abstract concepts like consciousness and thought. Arguably the thing that makes humans human, the brain is like the world’s most intricate, complicated, and sensitive computer… and also about 10 million times slower than your average desktop. While there is still much that is unknown to the world about how exactly brains work, there is also a lot that is known about the human mind. So let’s begin with the basics. Starting with the outside of the mind, your brain is protected from the uneven surface of the inside of your skull by protective layers called meninges. Dura mater, the outermost layer, is a vascular (meaning it has blood vessels) layer that lines the inside of the skull with a second meningeal layer below that helps with blood flow to the brain. The middle layer, called arachnoid mater, is a thin weblike nonvascular layer of connective tissue that surrounds the brain, keeping cerebrospinal fluid in place that cushions the central nervous system and removes impurities. The third and innermost layer, pia mater, hugs the surface of the brain and is rich with veins and blood vessels that supply the brain with oxygen. The brain itself is about three pounds and made up of a thin outer layer of gray matter (mostly composed of neurons) and a dense inner layer of white matter (mostly composed of axons). Now that we’ve gotten through what protects your brain, let's go to the main parts of the brain, the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem. By far the largest of the three, the cerebrum takes up 85% of the brain and controls almost everything you do. It initiates and coordinates movement, regulates temperature, enables speech, judgment, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, emotions, learning, and the five senses. The outer layer of the cerebrum, the cerebral cortex, houses many of the parts of the brain that set humans so much higher than other animals in terms of intelligence, such as the prefrontal cortex, a newly evolved portion of the brain that only exists at a similar level to humans in primates (though the human prefrontal cortex is much more evolved). Split into a left and right half, the cerebrum’s right hemisphere controls the left side of the body while the cerebrum’s left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. These halves communicate through a large C-shaped structure made of white matter and nerve pathways found in the middle of the cerebrum called the corpus callosum. The cerebellum, affectionately known as the little brain, is a fist sized portion of the brain located in the back or your head and above your brainstem. Much like its much larger sibling, the cerebellum is split into two hemispheres where right controls left and left controls right. The outer portion of the cerebellum, coated in gray matter, and the inner portion work hand in hand to coordinate purposeful muscle movements and maintain posture, balance, and equilibrium. Think of it as a tool that fine tunes smaller movements like typing with your fingers or how exactly you kick a soccer ball, making sure they’re just to your liking. The last portion of the brain, the brainstem, is located at the bottom of your brain, between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and connects them to the spinal cord. The top of the brainstem, called the midbrain, is a complex structure with a range of different neuron clusters that helps with things like hearing and movement and also aids in bodily responses to environmental change. Below the midbrain lies the pons, a small horseshoe shaped mass of nerves that connects to the midbrain and the cerebellum. The pons not only houses four of the twelve cranial nerves that help supply blood flow to the brain, it also helps with tear production, chewing, blinking, focusing vision, balance, hearing, and facial expressions- and it also acts as a bridge between the midbrain and the final portion of the brainstem, the medulla. Located at the bottom of the brainstem, the medulla connects the brain to the spinal cord and is essential for survival. It regulates reflexive activities such as sneezing and vomiting and involuntary bodily functions like heart rhythm, breathing, blood flow, and even your oxygen and CO2 levels. The final part of our brain basics will be a quick overview of the four main lobes that make up the cerebrum. The largest and frontmost lobe of the brain, the frontal lobe is the most highly developed and is mainly involved in creating your personality characteristics, decision making, and movement. Other skills like recognition and smell also involve the frontal lobe. The parietal lobe, located in the middle of the brain, is only slightly smaller than the frontal lobe. The parietal lobe helps more with individual object identification, spatial relationships (interpreting the relationship between your body and the objects around it), and understanding pain and touch in relation to your body. The occipital lobe, located at the back of the brain above the cerebellum, is much smaller than the other two lobes and is responsible for your visual perception of things such as color, shape, and movement. The fourth and final lobe, the temporal lobe, can be found on the left and right sides of the brain and helps with short term memory, speaking, musical rhythm, and some degree of recognition. Again, these are only the basics of brain biology. There are hundreds of structures, cortices, glands, and systems that help the brain function the way it does. Let us know if you’d like to learn more! Sources: by Simran Jayasinghe
Maybe it was a case of strep throat, an ear infection, or pneumonia that prompted you to take a trip to your doctor’s office, expecting to be prescribed a quick course of antibiotics and be sent on your way. We have come to think of antibiotics as as a quick, easy fix for a wide range of problems, but their efficacy may be changing due to something called antibiotic resistance. Let’s briefly go over how antibiotics work. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. They are not effective against viral infections, and therefore cannot be used to treat a cold, the flu, COVID-19, or any other disease caused by a virus. There are a few different ways that antibiotics work. Some antibiotics prevent the bacterial cell from making a specific molecule that provides structure and strength to its cell wall, weakening the cell wall to the point where the bacterial cell cannot survive in the human body. Some antibiotics stop a bacterial cell from making proteins, therefore blocking important functions and making it unable to multiply in the human body. Different types of antibiotics work in different ways, but they all end up making the bacterial cells unable to survive in the human body, killing them. Since their discovery, antibiotics have been used to fight many different bacterial infections. But like all living things, bacteria adapt to survive, and we have started to see more cases of bacteria that have adapted to be resistant to certain antibiotics. There are a few different ways that bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance. One is taking antibiotics too often. If someone has taken antibiotics to fight against a certain type of bacterial infection many times, the bacteria will become more and more resistant to the antibiotic. Bacteria can also acquire antibiotic resistance when antibiotics are used incorrectly. If someone takes antibiotics to try and treat a viral infection, the antibiotics will target bacteria in your body that weren’t causing an infection, causing this bacteria to adapt and gain antibiotic resistance to protect itself. If this bacteria becomes a problem in the future, the type of antibiotics that targeted it before may not be effective. This can be a problem in healthcare, as patients with antibiotic-resistant infections may need stronger antibiotics or different types of antibiotics. In some cases, no antibiotic will work on a certain bacterial infection. These drug-resistant bacterial infections can be dangerous and even deadly. It is important that healthcare providers and individuals take steps to reduce the risk of acquiring antibiotic-resistant infections. For healthcare providers, these steps include being careful of how often antibiotics are prescribed, and evaluating if antibiotics are really necessary, even when patients ask for them. For individuals, this means taking antibiotics as prescribed; not saving prescribed antibiotics for later use, taking antibiotics prescribed for someone else, or taking antibiotics for viral infections. This can also mean checking if antibiotics are necessary when given a prescription by your healthcare provider. Did you learn something new about antibiotics/antibiotic resistance? Let us know in the comments! Sources: LiveScience, CDC (Centers for Disease Control), It’s World Cancer Day and we wanted to share some organizations to support! All of our picks are nonprofits dedicated to promoting cancer awareness and research, and we want to note that they are great places to learn about cancer and cancer research regardless of if you contribute or not!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We know that making a donation is not always an option, so our first spotlighted organization has a way to contribute that is completely free! The Linda W. Daniel Foundation’s #MoveMeMonday initiative requires participants to get moving! For every 15 minutes of exercise (or every 1 mile of running/biking/swimming etc) that participants complete on each Monday, LWDF raises 1 dollar to support cancer organizations! To learn more, click here. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Roman Thompson foundation is bringing awareness to childhood cancer, specifically neuroblastoma. Their website allows you to choose a research initiative to support, and track the use your donation! Their current initiatives are the Precision Medicine Program, and a Neuroblastoma drug trial. To learn more, click here. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The American Association for Cancer Research, and the American Cancer Society are both great resources to check out! They provide important information about cancer and cancer research, and they both accept donations. By Simran Jayasinghe
(click on the link above to download visual poster) Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite typically spread through infected mosquitos, although in rare cases it can also be spread through exposure to blood that is already infected with the malaria parasite. When the malaria parasites enter a person’s body, they infect the liver and multiply. After the parasites mature, they start to infect red blood cells, at which point people start to show malaria symptoms. In the red blood cells, the parasites multiply, destroying the cell. Daughter parasites are released, which then enter other red blood cells and continues the cycle. (, 3/26/2021) . Recent research has found, that the malaria parasite also hijacks the cell’s actin and uses it to transport adhesins to the cell surface, making the red blood cells sticky, which can lead to blockage in blood circulation and other malaria complications. (, 3/27/2021)
Malaria is typically found in warm and wet climates, since mosquitos and parasites survive best under these conditions. Although malaria in the U.S has been eliminated, other than imported cases, it still remains an issue in other parts of the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of Africa, as well as south Asia, parts of east Asia, and parts of south America. In 2019, there was an estimated 229 million cases and 409,000 deaths from malaria worldwide. (, 3/26/2021) Sickle Cell Sickle cell disease is caused by one amino acid mutation in the beta chain of the hemoglobin protein. Red blood cells that have normal hemoglobin are usually round, smooth, and circulate unobstructed through blood vessels. People with sickle cell disease have the mutated gene and abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S or HbS), which causes their red blood cells to be hard and c-shaped, or sickle shaped. The sickle cells’ shape means that they don’t circulate through blood vessels well, and can block blood flow, which can lead to complications such as strokes and pain episodes, as well as causing damage to organs such as the kidneys, spleen, and liver. The sickled red blood cells are also destroyed quickly, which causes anemia. People with sickle cell disease have a shorter life expectancy than the general population, with a national median life expectancy of 42-47 years. (, 3/28/2021) The gene for sickle cell is recessive gene, so in order for an individual to have sickle cell disease, they need to inherit two copies of the mutated gene. If an individual inherits only one copy of HbS (mutated hemoglobin) and one copy of HbA (normal hemoglobin) , they are carriers of the sickle cell trait. The sickle cell trait does demonstrate incomplete dominance, which means that people with the sickle cell trait will have both normal red blood cells and sickled red blood cells. Carriers of the sickle cell trait have slightly more hemoglobin A than hemoglobin S, which keeps their red blood cells functioning as normal. (See diagrams in poster above.) In 2010, over 305,000 babies were born with sickle cell disease, and more than 100 million people live with sickle cell trait worldwide. (, 3/27/2021) (, 3/27/2021) How Sickle Cell Affects Malaria By the rules of natural selection, the gene responsible for a deadly disease such as sickle cell anemia should have been removed from the population, yet we see that the gene is very prominent in certain populations. Recently, scientists found that people with the sickle cell trait, or carriers, have some protection against the fatality of malaria. People with sickle cell trait can still get infected with malaria, but after they are infected, the sickle cell mutation prevents the malaria parasite from causing damage. The sickle cell mutation also prevents the parasite from sending adhesins to the cell’s surface, making the cell less sticky and therefore preventing malaria-related complications. (, 3/27/2021) However, people who are homozygous and have sickle cell disease do not have this protection. (, 3/28/2021) Why is this important? These observations explain why the gene still remains in the human population. Since the gene provides protection against a potentially fatal disease, individuals who have the trait tend to survive in regions where malaria is endemic. These individuals have a higher chance of passing on the gene to their offspring, leading to a higher frequency of the gene in these populations. (,) Literature Cited can be found in visual poster (download above). Global warming is an issue that effects everyone in some way. If you live in areas that are at or below sea level, sea level rise is slowly affecting where you live. For example, the country of Bangladesh has one of the largest deltas, which makes it extremely susceptible to flooding due to rise in sea levels. Some scientists believe that in addition to rising sea levels, the increasing intensity of natural disasters such as hurricanes or cyclones might also be a side effect of global warming. People have a hard time making decisions about preventing global warming because it involves lifestyle changes, and the effects of global warming aren’t seen by everyone on a daily basis.
In 1987, the Montreal Protocol, which banned and phased out CFCs as well as other chemicals that were harmful to the ozone layer, and was unanimously agreed upon by all the countries in the UN. People felt the need to make this decision because the health effects uv radiation has on humans was clear to everyone and was an immediate concern. It also helped that big lifestyle or economic changes were not needed. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a decision made with this level of urgency about global warming. Perhaps because the effects of global warming are less directly related to our health, and happen slowly, they are easier to overlook. People are also less willing to make big lifestyle changes, which are needed to reduce global warming. Some changes, such as having more fuel-efficient transportation, are being made easier over time, with new technology. Other changes are easier for people to incorporate into their day to day lives, such as using less plastic, recycling, wasting less food, and eating less meat. Despite the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence showing the cause and impact of global warming, whether someone believes in it or not seems to have become a big political discussion. Especially in the U.S, where decision about global warming seem to be influenced by the political party to which one belongs to. A popular argument by some groups is that global warming isn’t 100% proven. This is because, in science, nothing can be proven. Science can provide evidence for the fact that the rise in global temperatures is due to man made increase in CO2 in our atmosphere. However, some groups say that since science cannot prove global warming, it isn’t an urgent problem, and doesn’t require attention. I think that in order to move forward with efforts to reduce the impact of global warming, science needs to take the lead instead of politics. by Kiran Jayasinghe
With a rapidly growing population, increasing amounts of waste, and a planet that does not, in fact, grow, we must find a way to keep our cities sustainable so that Earth does not turn into a desolate planet, as depicted in Wall-E. The solution, as many scientists think, is technology and science. For example, we can use artificial intelligence to record data and video around cities, and then use that data to predict things like disasters or accidents. AI can use software to recognize the sound of a failing elevator shaft and alert the necessary people, or spot weak points in infrastructure to prevent collapse, We can help cities become zero-emission by using science to mitigate climate warming. As Scientific American says in their article,, we must learn to fuse social science with sustainability science to create a city that will benefit the people and the planet. For example, while controversial, Governor Newsom's executive order to cease all sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 ( was a step in the right direction. City leaders and government officials must cooperate with scientists to make the most beneficial plan. 4 Ocean is a company working towards all goals for the ocean, as stated in it’s name. The main goal of the company is to collect trash from the ocean. To fund their purpose, 4 ocean sells bracelets made of recycled glass and nylon. 4 Ocean is a for-profit company instead of a non-profit, but this allows them to sell a variety of merchandise. Click to learn more.
SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies) was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk. The goal was to make space travel costs lower so that colonization of Mars could be possible! SpaceX has launched the Falcon 1, which was the first privately-owned company's liquid propelled rocket. They were also the first privately-owned company to send a rocket to the International Space Station, called the Dragon. And just this year (May 30th, 2020), SpaceX sent Dragon 2 to the International Space Station with two crew members on board, making them the first privately-owned company to do so. The Dragon 2 is also a reusable spacecraft! To learn more, go to
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